The seamless music experience of Minigore

Minigore is a small promotional iPhone top down shooter created by developer Mountain Sheep. It was launched to get a publishing deal to an adventure game based on the characters, gameplay and art style that sets Minigore apart. So far so good. That Minigore is one of the best looking and most polished feedback titles in the App store doesn’t make it any less good.

But what I really wanted to talk about is the seamless music experience. Minigore takes advantage of iPhone 3.0’s API for the iPod player. Which means it won’t stop your music when you launch Minigore. On the contrary.

The music plays through the loading screen as well as the menu and into the game itself. The game also understands that music is playing and doesn’t play its own soundtrack.

Compared to playing Minigore there can be no more persuasive argument for creating seamless experiences. Whether through sound, interface or social functions. Seamless_ness_ really does add enormous amounts of emotional goodwill to your product.

Don’t believe me? Try it yourself, it’s 99 cents and worth every penny.
